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‹ mardi 4 juin 2024 › |
›8:30 (5h30)
Session 37. Projets archéologiques de WebSIG et WebGL. L'avenir des interactions entre bases de données, nuages de points, fouilles et mobilier of pour une meilleure compréhension des espaces habités
A. Martín Esquivel, A. F. Ferrandes › Auditorium 50 Humathèque
8:30 - 14:00 (5h30)
Session 37. Projets archéologiques de WebSIG et WebGL. L'avenir des interactions entre bases de données, nuages de points, fouilles et mobilier of pour une meilleure compréhension des espaces habités
![]() A. Martín Esquivel, A. F. Ferrandes
› WebGIS and WebGL Archaeological Projects. The future of interaction between datasets of point clouds, excavations and finds for a deeper understanding of inhabited spaces
- Alberto Martín Esquivel, Universidad Isabel I, GIR03 UI1, ATAEMHIS USAL - Antonio F. Ferrandes, Sapienza, Università di Roma
08:30-08:40 (10min)
› Fasti Online's search engine for the research into the archaeology of lived spaces
- Alberto Martín Esquivel, Universidad Isabel I, GIR03 UI1, ATAEMHIS USAL
08:40-09:00 (20min)
- Elena Calandra, Istituto Centrale per l'Archeologia
10:00-10:20 (20min)
› The CoStraCon Project - A new experience for a digital corpus of stratigraphies, assemblages and finds through Ancient and Modern Mediterranean
- Antonio F. Ferrandes, Sapienza, Università di Roma
10:20-10:40 (20min)
› SITAR: Linking inhabited spaces of ancient Rome, the Archeositar project experiences
- Serlorenzi Mirella, Soprintendenza Speciale Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio di Roma - Paolo Rosati, SITAR - Sistema Informativo Territoriale Archeologico di Roma
10:50-11:10 (20min)
› The FLAME Project: Using Digital Tools Study Coin Use in Lived Spaces
- Ilia Curto Pelle, MPhil Student in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies
11:10-11:30 (20min)
› Geospatial data and tools for the study of multi-layered cities. The experience of the OpenCiTy and TeCHNIC project in the Catania's urban area
- Malfitana Daniele, University of Catania
11:30-11:50 (20min)
› De la CAG à la BaseFer et à l'atlas de l'âge du Fer sur Chronocarto.
- katherine gruel, Archéologie et Philologie d'Orient et d'Occident - christophe batardy, Archéologie et Philologie d'Orient et d'Occident - Olivier Buchsenschutz, Archéologie et Philologie d'Orient et d'Occident
12:00-12:20 (20min)
› Mapping Ancient Lilybaeum. Hard-to-reach in space and time? How to deal with complex multi-dimensional remains and different time phases in a two-dimensional WebGIS
- Aylin Güngör, University of Hamburg
12:20-12:40 (20min)
› Geographic information systems for large archaeological sites: The case of Pompeii.
- Vincenzo Sommella, ES Progetti e Sistemi
12:40-13:00 (20min)
› Analysis of the spatial configuration of the Lugdunum Montmaurin villa
- Mei Yang, Yang Mei, Autonomous University of Barcelona; Sanya University - Zhiwei Ji, City University of Macau Hainan University, Hainan University,
13:00-13:20 (20min)
›8:30 (4h)
Session 23. La culture de la villa entre économie et idéologie
A. Cristilli, M. Romero Pérez, G. Di Luca › Open Space (150) Humathèque
8:30 - 12:30 (4h)
Session 23. La culture de la villa entre économie et idéologie
![]() A. Cristilli, M. Romero Pérez, G. Di Luca
› The Culture of the Villa between Economy and Ideology
- Armando Cristilli, Universidad de Sevilla, M. Romero Pérez, Gioconda Di Luca
08:30-08:40 (10min)
› Una villa che cambia? Il suburbanum della gens Volusia a Lucus Feroniae nel II sec. d.C.
- Cristilli Armando, Universidad de Sevilla = University of Seville
08:40-09:00 (20min)
› Da villa ad area termale: trasformazioni e riutilizzi degli spazi abitativi della c.d. “Villa della Sosandra” nel Parco Archeologico delle Terme di Baia
- Gioconda Di Luca, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata [Roma] = University of Rome Tor Vergata
08:40-09:00 (20min)
› Las villas romanas del entorno de Antikaria y Singilia Barba. Evolución espacial, arquitectónica y funcional: casos de estudio.
- Manuel Romero Pérez, Manuel Romero Pérez
09:00-09:20 (20min)
› Arquitectura arrogante y escenografía del poder en las villae de Hispania: el ejemplo de Noheda (Cuenca)
- Miguel Ángel Valero Tévar, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
09:20-09:40 (20min)
› Two "Prachtreliefs" from the Villa of Herodes Atticus at Eva/ Loukou Kynourias
- Mariella Cipriani, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata [Roma] = University of Rome Tor Vergata
09:40-10:00 (20min)
› La investigación sobre la escultura de las villae del ager Tarraconensis: balance y nuevas perspectivas
- Julio C. Ruiz, Universidad Rovira i Virgili
10:10-10:30 (20min)
› Per un'economia di import-export delle ville romane tardoantiche del centro Sicilia: la villa di contrada Gerace (EN) tra grano, zolfo e cavalli
- Arena Antonina, Università degli studi di Catania = University of Catania - Essa Kas Hanna Elie, Pontificio Istituto Orientale
10:30-10:50 (20min)
›8:30 (5h)
› Auditorium 250, Centre des Colloques
8:30 - 13:30 (5h)
Session 41: Espace sacré vécu de la Méditerranée à la Chine : usages et perceptions
![]() B. Muka, M. Hsu
› A reconstruction of the Christian Topography of several ancient cities in Central Asia and in China
- Maria HSU, Pontifical Oriental Institute
08:40-09:00 (20min)
› Church Relics in Central Asia and China: A Survey
- Pier Giorgio Borbone, University of Pisa - Università di Pisa
09:00-09:20 (20min)
› Metrology in Egyptian Archaeology
- Monica Marcos, Polytechnic University of Madrid
09:20-09:40 (20min)
› “Non omnis moriar”: donne e uomini nella necropoli ellenistica di Phoinike
- Belisa Muka, Archaeological Institute of Tirana - Giuseppe Lepore, Università di Bologna (Ravenna)
09:40-10:00 (20min)
› Bere il vino “alla greca”: ipotesi di ricostruzione sociale mediante l'analisi dei corredi funerari delle popolazioni indigene preromane di Basilicata e Puglia
- Maria Pina Garaguso, CNR ISPC Potenza
10:10-10:30 (20min)
› The organization and perception of deathscape in Southern Apulia in 4th and 3rd century BC: the examples of Mesagne and Ugento
- Vizzino Giacomo, Università del Salento [Lecce]
10:30-10:50 (20min)
› Ritual, votive dedications, and landscape in the sanctuary of Persephone at Locri Epizephyrii.
- Elvia Maria Letizia Giudice, Università degli studi di Catania = University of Catania - Giada Giudice, Università di Catania - Marcella Accolla, Università degli studi di Catania = University of Catania
10:50-11:10 (20min)
› Vieille Montagne de Corleone : une des métropoles de la Sicile grecque
- Vintaloro Angelo, Museo Civico Comprensoriale
11:10-11:30 (20min)
› Gorgons in religious spaces
- Paola Merciai, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
11:40-12:00 (20min)
› The Religious and Ritual Space of the Gallic Carnyx
- Marsha McCoy, Southern Methodist University Dallas
12:20-12:50 (30min)
›8:30 (3h30)
Session 6. Prendre place, faire de la place. Approches interdisciplinaures sur l'architecture comme espace vécu et son rôle dans les communautés ancienne de la Méditerranée
L. Jung, A.-K. Rieger › Salle 0.15, Bâtiment recherche sud (50)
8:30 - 12:00 (3h30)
Session 6. Prendre place, faire de la place. Approches interdisciplinaures sur l'architecture comme espace vécu et son rôle dans les communautés ancienne de la Méditerranée
![]() L. Jung, A.-K. Rieger
› Taking Places - Making Spaces: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Architecture as Lived Space and its Role in Past Mediterranean Communities
- Katharina Rieger, University of Graz, Institute of Classics - Lukas Jung, University of Graz, Institute of Classics
08:30-08:40 (10min)
› Originality and Irritation in religious architecture of Classical times - the Temple of Zeus at Acragas
- Elizaveta Boiko, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
08:40-09:00 (20min)
› Les espaces souterrains dans l'architecture domestique Volubilitaine : le cas de la maison à la crypte.
- Hajar Feddoul, Université Ibn Tofaïl
09:00-09:20 (20min)
› How to Prove Acts of Charity in Late Antique Atria and Porticoes? Interdisciplinary Methods and Considerations
- Florian Oppitz, University of Graz, Max Weber Centre, Erfurt
09:20-09:40 (20min)
› The Phallophoria in Delos as a Collective Space of Experience
- Veronika Kolomaznik, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
09:40-10:00 (20min)
› Walking around posts or columns in the sanctuary
- Therese Emanuelsson-Paulson, Stockholm University
10:00-10:20 (20min)
› »Kaisersaal« – The Production of a Representational Space in the Context of Greek Agonistic Culture (Case study: the Pamphylian City of Side)
- Lukas Jung, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz
10:20-10:40 (20min)
› Le temple après le temple: occupation et réoccupation des espaces sacrés en Égypte antique - le cas de Kom Ombo
- Aurélie Terrier, EPFL ENAC, Institut de recherche sur l'architecture antique
10:40-11:00 (20min)
›8:30 (3h30)
Session 8. Dévoiler les réalités urbaines et les espaces de pratiques dans les villes séleucides et post-séleucides d'Asie centrale et occidentale
P.-A. Kreuz, J. Heil › Salle 0.17 (25), Bâtiment recherche sud
8:30 - 12:00 (3h30)
Session 8. Dévoiler les réalités urbaines et les espaces de pratiques dans les villes séleucides et post-séleucides d'Asie centrale et occidentale
![]() P.-A. Kreuz, J. Heil
› Unveiling Urban Realities and Spaces of Practices in Seleucid and Post-Seleucid Central and Western Asian Cities
- Patric-Alexander Kreuz, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel - Julia Heil, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel
08:30-08:40 (10min)
› Public spaces in Seleucid and post-Seleucid Europos in Parapotamia (Dura/Europos, Syria)
- Gaëlle Coqueugniot, ARSCAN (ORAM)
08:40-08:40 ()
› Urban development in North Syria in the late Seleucid period. The case of Doliche
- Michael Blömer, Forschungsstelle Asia Minor, Münster University
09:00-09:20 (20min)
› Tracing the Urban at the Tulul adh-Dhahab (Jordan Valley) during the Hellenistic Period
- Julia Hertzer, Philipps-University Marburg, Classical Archaeology - Asuman Lätzer-Lasar, Philipps-University Marburg, Classical Archaeology
09:20-09:40 (20min)
› The Religious Ecosystems of Ai Khanoum and Taxila and their Relation to Hybridity
- Christos Nikolaou, University of Cambridge
10:10-10:30 (20min)
› "Seleucid Urbanism and its Legacy."
- Matthew Canepa, University of California [Irvine]
10:30-10:50 (20min)
›8:30 (3h30)
› Salle 0.18 (25), Bâtiment recherche sud
8:30 - 12:00 (3h30)
Session 10. Archéologie des paysages et de la topographie urbaine dans la Chypre de l'âge du fer : Les cas de Kition, Idalion et Tamassos
![]() S.G. Schmid
› Archaeology of Landscapes and Urban Topography in Iron Age Cyprus: The Cases of Kition, Idalion and Tamassos
- Stephan G. Schmid, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin
08:30-08:40 (10min)
› In between Kition, Idalion and Tamassos: Settlement patterns in the respective hinterlands
- Raphael A. Eser, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin = Humboldt University of Berlin = Université Humboldt de Berlin
08:40-09:00 (20min)
› The End of a Kingdom: The Coinage of the Kings of Idalion
- Evangeline Markou, Fondation Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut de Recherches Historiques
09:00-09:20 (20min)
› The Phoenician culture of the Cypro-Phoenician kingdom of Kition: an urban phenomenon?
- Sabine FOURRIER, Histoire et Sources des Mondes antiques
09:20-09:40 (20min)
› Languages and scripts in the Kition-Idalion-Tamassos area: territorial and diachronic distribution
- Anna Cannavò, CNRS / HiSoMA, MOM, Lyon
09:50-10:10 (20min)
› The sacral topography of Idalion: Aspects of (dis-)continuities in the longue durée
- Stephan G. Schmid, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin
10:10-10:30 (20min)
› Sanctuaries compared: urban versus suburban spaces
- Angelika Walther, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin = Humboldt University of Berlin = Université Humboldt de Berlin
10:30-10:50 (20min)
›8:30 (3h30)
Session 26. Vivre au-delà des frontières - Espaces vécus dans la Proasteion antique
N. Cecconi, M. Chiara Monaco › Salle 0.19 (25), Bâtiment recherche sud
8:30 - 12:00 (3h30)
Session 26. Vivre au-delà des frontières - Espaces vécus dans la Proasteion antique
![]() N. Cecconi, M. Chiara Monaco
› Living beyond Borders. Lived Spaces in the Ancient Proasteion
- Niccolò Cecconi, Università degli Studi di Roma
08:30-08:40 (10min)
› Living beyond borders: proasteia in the Greek and Magna Graecia poleis. Some general remarks.
- Maria Chiara Monaco, Università degli studi della Basilicata [Potenza]
08:40-08:50 (10min)
› In or Out? Structures of the space, agents and functions at the edge of the Western poleis in Archaic period
- De Stefano Francesco, Sapienza, Università di Roma
08:50-09:10 (20min)
› Il proasteion di Metaponto: contributo ad una prima definizione dello spazio periurbano della colonia achea
- Dario Porceddu, Università degli studi della Basilicata
09:10-09:30 (20min)
› The Athenian proasteion: mapping life beyond the city-wall
- Leda Costaki - Anna Maria Theocharaki, Dipylon Society
09:40-10:00 (20min)
› The ‘Illissos' Valley': Origin and Development of the Athenian Lived Spaces of the Proaesteion
- Rignanese Giuseppe, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
10:00-10:20 (20min)
› The young, the torch and Dionysos. Lampadedromies and Anthesteria in Classical Athens
- Marco Giuman, University of Cagliari - Dario D'Orlando, Independent researcher
10:20-10:40 (20min)
› The Border of the Lived Spaces: Remarks on the Greek and Athenian Proasteion in the Roman period
- Elena Calandra, Istituto Centrale per l'Archeologia - Niccolò Cecconi, Università degli Studi di Roma
10:40-11:00 (20min)
›15:30 (3h)
15:30 - 18:30 (3h)
Musée du Louvre
Visite privée, réservée aux participants du CIAC Paris 2024
Session | Discours | Logistique | Pause | Sortie |