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Panel 1. Organizzazione ed uso degli spazi del sacro: qualche esempio dalle città coloniali di Magna Grecia e Sicilia (17 documents)
Panel 2. Moving between Spaces - Uncovering Ritual Use of Ancient Architecture through the Senses (5 documents)
Panel 3. Des "espaces vécus" autour du mort dans les nécropoles romaines : pour une approche archéo-anthropologique des gestes avant, pendant et après la crémation (5 documents)
Panel 4. Lived, re-lived, recycled – continuity and discontinuity in sacred places in ancient Italy (9 documents)
Panel 5. Spaces, Resources, Borders : Experience and Perception of Landscapes, Rituals and Powers in the Italian Peninsula (9 documents)
Panel 6. Taking Places - Making Spaces: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Architecture as Lived Space and its Role in Past Mediterranean Communities (9 documents)
Panel 6bis. Urban Religion through the Lens of Urban Archaeology (7 documents)
Panel 7. Urban Dynamics and the Use of Built environment : a Brazilian Look at the Ancient Mediterranean (4 documents)
Panel 8. Unveiling Urban Realities and Spaces of Practices in Seleucid and Post-Seleucid Central and Western Asian Cities (7 documents)
Panel 9. Ordering Space: Strategies of Boundary Making on Fora and Agorai (10 documents)
Panel 10. Archaeology of Landscapes and Urban Topography in Iron Age Cyprus: The Cases of Kition, Idalion and Tamassos (5 documents)
Panel 11. Camp romain et capitale : une dialectique urbain (6 documents)
Panel 12. A Reconstruction of the Christian Topography of Several ancient cities in Central Asia and in China (0 document)
Panel 13. Lives and Afterlifes of an Urban Archaeological Site: the case study of Thuburbo Maius (6 documents)
Panel 14. Indigenous Populations of the Central Balkans and the Classical World (1 document)
Panel 15. Streets in the Roman city: built spaces, lived spaces (14 documents)
Panel 16. Paths - movements - traces: public and domestic spaces in Ostia antica (8 documents)
Panel 16bis : Rome, Pompeii, Ostia beyond the buildings: Uses and abuses of non-built urban spaces (4 documents)
Panel 17. Au-delà des spectacles : traces de vie quotidienne et usages polyvalents des édifices de spectacles dans l'Occident romain (9 documents)
Panel 17bis. Lived spaces in Palmyra (6 documents)
Panel 17ter: Reinventing Gallo-Romans (Exhibition) (1 document)
Panel 18. Beyond the Palatine: ‘Palatial’ centres as creative from 2nd BC to 7thCE (10 documents)
Panel 19. Production, Transport, and Socio-ecological Impact of Building Materials in the Roman Empire (18 documents)
Panel 20. Water Use in the Private and Public Spaces of the Ancient city. New Methodologies and Results from Interdisciplinary Research (10 documents)
Panel 21. Pompeii: Craftsmanship in Houses. Furniture, Spaces, Activities (8 documents)
Panel 22. Ex officina hispana : Handcrafs in Iberian Peninsula (13 documents)
Panel 23. The Culture of the Villa between Economy and Ideology (8 documents)
Panel 24. Textile Economies in Ancient Iberia (7 documents)
Panel 25. Mobility and Living Spaces in Central and Southern Italy. Agents, Dynamics and Landscapes (7 documents)
Panel 26. Living beyond Borders. Lived Spaces in the Ancient Proasteion (7 documents)
Panel 27. Islands in the Stream : the Geoarchaeology of Lived spaces in the Ancient Deltas (7 documents)
Panel 28. Epigrafia e spazi vissuti. Traces écrites du quotidien (7 documents)
Panel 29. Living in the 5th Century BC Western Sicily: Domestic Spaces in Punic, Greek, and Indigenous Cities (0 document)
Panel 30. Lived Spaces in Historical Archaeological Sites: Herculaneum (1 document)
Panel 31. Living in Etruria. from the Etruscans to Late Antiquity. New Interdisciplinary Research on Residential Architecture and Domestic Activities (7 documents)
Panel 32. Perception of Lived Spaces in Etruria (6 documents)
Panel 33. Spazi vissuti di Roma antica oggi (10 documents)
Panel 34. Lived Spaces from a Multiple Agency Perspective: a Decolonial Discussion (6 documents)
Panel 35. Digitally Enlivening Ancient Space (8 documents)
Panel 36. L'espace vécu au présent, du site au musée, du musée au site (10 documents)
Panel 37. WebGIS and WebGL Archaeological Projects. The future of interaction between datasets of point clouds, excavations and finds for a deeper understanding of inhabited spaces (10 documents)
Panel 38. Observing Acts of Discovery: Ethnography of Social Life of Digs (0 document)
Plenary session : Archaeological research in the feminine: figures, careers and issues (6 documents)
Panel 39 : Domestic Spaces in the Ancient Mediterranean (19 documents)
Panel 40 : Rural Production and Landscape in the Ancient Mediterranean (6 documents)
Panel 41: Sacred Lived Space from the Mediterranean to China : Uses and Perception (10 documents)
Panel 42 : Re-lived cities in the Mediterrenean: topography, urbanism and uses of lived spaces (5 documents)
Panel 43 : Coins and lived economy (3 documents)
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