The transformation of the streetscapes of Roman towns in the conuentus Tarraconensis (Hispania Citerior) from the 1st c. BCE to the 6th c. CE: some reflections
Núria Romaní Sala  1@  
1 : Serra Húnter Fellow, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

One of the first urban features that were executed in a Roman town was its streets, which conformed the framework on which all the other urban spaces and amenities were displayed. First, they were drawn and marked and then, gradually built throughout the different city districts. In this initial urban phase, it was crucial to adapt the previous topographical features to ensure the correct slope of the roads and its connectivity, and, in order to do that, several works had to be carried out. From this moment on the original road layout and appearance would change in accordance with the necessities of the city and as a consequence of the historical episodes, urban dynamics, and municipal statute of each town.

Even if the streets are essential to understand the Roman city is not until recently that have been addressed as singular spaces in constant evolution. Indeed, these new three-dimensional and diachronic approaches on streets have proved to be a powerful tool to better address the urban transformations from a long-durée perspective.

Considering all that, this paper seeks to address the construction and transformation patterns of the street network focusing on a specific case of study: the Roman towns of the northeasternmost region of the Roman Tarraconensis province in Hispania, the conuentus Tarraconensis (part of modern Catalonia and Valencian Community). We will analyse the strategies, construction techniques and materials used to carry on the initial construction on the streetscapes of these towns and its further development, monumentalization and modification through seven centuries, from the 1st c. BCE to the 6th c. CE. Ultimately, we intent to discuss whether common trends in streetscape transformation processes can be seen in other regions of the Roman West.

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