The End of a Kingdom: The Coinage of the Kings of Idalion
Evangeline Markou  1@  
1 : Fondation Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, Institut de Recherches Historiques

This paper aims to examine the reigns of the kings of Idalion within the context of classical Cyprus and highlight the coinage they issued.

Coins have been minted by the kings of Idalion for a limited period. Numismatic, epigraphic, and archaeological evidence suggest that coinage began in the early 5th century BCE. It ceased by the middle of the century because of the conquest of Idalion by Kition, resulting in the loss of its autonomy.

The last king of Idalion, Stasikypros, is mentioned in the epigraphic testimonies, which are supported by numismatic data. However, his predecessors can be revealed only through their coinage. Despite the incomplete names displayed on the coin legends, like Ki (-) and Gra (-), they provide valuable evidence of the Idalion dynasty's lineage. The dynasty was composed of no less than four kings.

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