Living beyond borders: proasteia in the Greek and Magna Graecia poleis. Some general remarks.
Maria Chiara Monaco  1@  
1 : Università degli studi della Basilicata [Potenza]

This contribution will attempt to outline some general considerations regarding the topic of proastaia in Greek and Magna Graecia cities. Unlike in the Roman or late antique world, this topic, although recently addressed (L. Finocchietti, N. Lubtchansky, C. Pouzadou (eds.), Au pied des murs. Étude exploratoire du périurbain dans les cités de l'Italie méridionale antique, Cahiers du Centre Jean Bérard, 27. Naples 2023) and some ten years ago (P. Darcque, R. Étienne, A.M. Guimier-Sorbet (eds.), PROASTEION. Recherches sur le périurbain dans le monde grec, Paris 2013), it is still little addressed in relation to Greek and Magna Graecia cities. Through the analysis of individual case studies, the research will therefore attempt to deduce the main characteristics of these spaces and propose some general outlines.

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