Still on “Sacred Rubbish”. Architectural terracottas from the sanctuaries of Republican Latium between ritual disposal and practical recycling
Giulia D'angelo  1@  
1 : Sapienza Università di Roma

Architectural terracottas represent an essential structural element for the knowledge of Etruscan-Italic temples. As a perishable material, however, they had their own durability and were subject to the fashions of the time; in other words, they constitute a material indicator of the historical, as well as stylistic, evolution of the temples they decorated. But what happened when they were discarded? What was the fate of this material within the sanctuary?
The topic was addressed by Fay Glinister in an essay with the catchy title Sacred rubbish [F. GLINISTER, Sacred rubbish, in E. BISPHAM, C. SMITH (eds.), Religion in Archaic and Republican Rome and Italy, New York 2000]. The scholar has preliminarily illustrated the multiple ways in which architectural terracotta was disposed of after having been damaged by intentional (destruction by conquest) or accidental events (fire; flood; lightning strike), or simply by the passage of time (wear; renovation of the decorative system). Architectural terracottas, being on a par with ex-votos, i.e. consecrated to the deity, represent a valuable witness to the religious practices in use within places of worship.
This contribution intends to deepen the topic by analysing a series of cases related to the treatment of architectural terracotta from the Republican age in the sanctuaries of central Italy, with particular regard to Rome and Lazio. A number of examples of deliberate re-use/recycling for construction purposes (Nemi, Sanctuary of Diana; Rome, Sacred Area of Largo Argentina; Monterinaldo, La Cuma etc.) and examples of burial with or without a sacral purpose (Rome, Sacred Area of Largo Argentina; Luni; Minturno etc.) will be illustrated. To support the analysis, maps of the dispersion of the attestations organised by types of deposition will be presented. The aim is to understand the significance(s) of this material once its original function has been fulfilled and to verify, ultimately, whether it is possible to systematise the different usage practices regarding the treatment of this category of finds. 

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