The application of non-invasive techniques to document the domestic architecture of Italica (Sevilla): the House of Cañada Honda.
Rafael Hidalgo-Prieto  1@  , Álvaro Corrales-Álvarez  1@  , Maite Velázquez Guerrero  1@  
1 : Universidad Pablo de Olavide [Sevilla]

The Archaeology Division of the Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla), in
collaboration with the Philipps Universität Marburg, is undertaken research of the
domestic architecture of Italica. The main objectives of the study are twofold: firstly, the
documentation of the current state of conservation by obtaining 3D models of visible
domestic architecture that will allow us a new approach to the dwellings from their
morphological aspect, construction technology and urban insertion; secondly, the
combination of non-invasive methods (electrical resistivity, magnetic resistivity and
ground penetrating radar) that will allows us for the definition of the extent of anomalies
generated by human activity.
The first object of study of this project is the House of Cañada Honda. The excavation of
most of this building was carried out in the 1970s. Subsequently, it has been the subject
of several archaeological excavation, the last of which was made by our team. This house
is the only one in
Italica in which to date there is a stratigraphic sequence documented
with modern methodology, which has allowed us to determine the time of abandonment.
The house corresponds to the usual architectural layout of the houses of
Italica, arranged
around a peristyle with an entrance hall. Our excavations have made it possible to locate
triclinium, which presides over the peristyle. This triclinium has two courtyards on
either side, following a layout similar to neighbour House of the Birds. The addition of a
stibadium in the peristyle, which we have been able to date to Hadrianic period, gives the
building an interesting element for our knowledge of the architecture of the period. The
fact that it is the only house in
Italica to date to have been excavated using modern
methodology, and also by our team, makes it a particularly suitable building to begin our
research project there.
The specialised research combines field work with information processing tasks in the
laboratory. The processes of data acquisition, both terrestrial laser scanner and the
photogrammetric models was successfully tested. A complete scan of the House of
Cañada Honda has been carried out generating, among the preliminary results, an overall
point cloud, a zenithally orthomosaic that allows for the translation of the of the point
cloud to the 2D floor plan design with the AutoCad 2024
software, as well as a photorealistic scanning point cloud of each of the different spaces of the house. Finally, all the
documentation generated is implemented in a GIS. The reasoning and geographical
consultation in the Italica's GIS allows for a wide range of formulations. Sometimes, the
input and output variables are different. Thus, from a DEM, we can calculate a map of
slopes that we reclassify into degrees of inclination and help us with the interpretation of
how water was evacuated from inside to outside space. These maps can also be useful to
study the adaptation needs of the houses to the terrain. The possibilities for questioning
the data are thus manifold: position and extent, shape and distribution, spatial association,
spatial interaction and spatial variation

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