Lives and Afterlife of anUrban Archaeological site : the Case Study of Thuburbo Maius
Alexandre Dardenay  1@  , Antonella Coralini  2@  , Hamden Ben Romdhane  3@  
1 : Université de Toulouse
Université Toulouse le Mirail - Toulouse II
2 : Università di Bologna
3 : Institut National du Patrimoine Tunisien (INP)

Started in 2022, on the basis of an international agreement between the Institut National du Patrimoine de Tunisie (INP), the Faculté des Lettres, des Arts et des Humanités de l'Université de la Manouba (FLAHM) and the Department oh History and Civilizations of the University of Bologna, the Thuburbo Project aims to investigate and reconstruct the history of the Thuburbo Maius site, with a focus on its Roman phase. Through an integrated approach, a transdisciplinary team has activated multiple research axes, in order to recover all the data useful to achieve that goal: archaeology of legacy data; building archaeology; analysis of material culture; characterization of materials. The session intends to propose Thuburbo Maius as a case study for the global study of the site of an urbs exstincta, between human and material agency.

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