The Phallophoria in Delos as a Collective Space of Experience
Veronika Kolomaznik  1@  
1 : Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

I want to engage with Karl Mannheim's concept of the collective space of experience (Erfahrungsraum), that focuses on the connection of community-building and the creation of spaces. Using Mannheim's framework and phenomenological approaches as analytical tools I aim to reflect on a specific “space of experience”, namely the phallos-procession of the annually held Dionysia in Hellenistic Delos. Especially during the time of its independence, the city devoted resources, time, and space for the festival held in honour of Dionysus. As did the long established Rural and Great Dionysia in Athens, also the celebrations on Delos included theatrical competitions. Heralding the festivities, the worshipping community gathered for a pompous procession, that included an agalma (statue) of Dionysus and a huge wooden phallos which were placed on wagons.
On the basis of various inscriptions as well as archaeological remains, such as choregic monuments, the theatre, and an altar of Dionysus it is possible to reconstruct certain elements or features of that specific space as well as fragments of a reasonable experience during the procession. I would like to ask: How did the worshipping community shaped and transformed the urban space for the festival? What permanent and non-permanent images and objects were created and were on display? What impact had the given space on the collective experience of the procession?

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