Streets in motion: the transformation and adaptability of the urban street network in Baetulo (Tarraconensis)
Clara Forn  1@  , Iñaki Moreno  2@  
1 : Museu de Badalona
2 : Atics

The urban street network in Baetulo has been extensively studied.
Indeed, as an ex-novo foundation, the establishment of its network
holds significant importance in advancing the initial phases of the
urban plan. In the early 2010, two publications brought to light the
main characteristics of this network (Padrós, Sánchez 2011; Romaní
2012). Furthermore, in 2022, a new urban grid was established based on
new evidence from streets excavated for the last decade. According to
the published plan, the town grid was divided into two different
patterns based on the topographic adaptation. As evidenced, a regular
layout in the upper sectors and irregular in the lower sectors. In
addition, the evidence of living was proved until the VII AD for the
lower sectors and just until the II AD in the upper sectors.

The aim of this paper is to focus on new evidence found on streets
excavated in the upper sectors of Baetulo to trace the transformations and
adaptability in the foundation phase. But also, to point traces of
continuity and living in a sector of the town that seems to be
abandoned before the end of the Antonine Era.

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