Recherche par auteur > Boiko Elizaveta

Originality and Irritation in religious architecture of Classical times - the Temple of Zeus at Acragas
Elizaveta Boiko  1@  
1 : Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

Sometimes architectural monuments strike our imagination -- in size, in design, in originality. In ancient Sicily, such a monument is certainly the temple of Zeus Olympius on the outskirts of Acragas. It is supposed to be the largest Doric temple of classical Greece. Here for the first time telamons (anthropomorphic supports) were used, which later became part of the language of classical architecture. The architecture of this temple is also original because of other features: for example, the classical order in this temple is combined with a wall that reaches up to half the height of the column. Together, this leaves the viewer confused – there are no similar temples before or since. 

Such an original planning solution is probably determined by the peculiarities of the space, the "outskirts" where the temple was located. Most likely, the architect chose the solution based on the requirements of religious practice, which was usually located in such a space. The report will focus on how different eras used the urban area of the temple of Zeus.

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