Recherche par auteur > Popkin Maggie

Modeling the Embodied Experience of Space in the Sanctuary of the Great Gods at Samothrace, Greece
Maggie Popkin  1@  , Bonna Wescoat  2@  
1 : Case Western Reserve University
2 : Emory University; American School of Classical Studies at Athens

This paper presents our efforts to model spatial experience in a Hellenistic sanctuary using 3D visual modeling and cutting-edge mixed reality technologies (here, Microsoft HoloLens). Our full-scale HoloLens model allows students and researchers to cognitively apprehend the ancient sanctuary in an embodied manner and to experience the kinesthesia stimulated by bodily movements that contributed so meaningfully to ancient visitors' dynamic, emotional experience of the sacred space. In presenting our current findings about the interactions between kinesthetic and visual experience and the design of the Sanctuary's buildings and dedications, we demonstrate that HoloLens technology offers a vital tool for experiencing the ancient spaces of mystery cults in a new, embodied, and remarkably accessible manner. 

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