Recherche par auteur > Corrales Aguilar Pilar

Adaptation, transformation and resilience between Italic models and Betic types: Acinipo (Ronda) in the panorama of the Roman cities of the province of Malaga
Manuel Moreno Alcaide  1@  , Pilar Corrales Aguilar  1@  , Álvaro Corrales-Álvarez  2@  , José Manuel Castaño Aguilar  3@  
2 : Universidad Pablo de Olavide
3 : Museo de Ronda

The Roman city of Acinipo (Ronda) is one of the most notable archaeological sites

in the province of Malaga, and the main Roman-era site in the Serranía de Ronda. Its

exceptionality lies in its extension, breadth and remains preserves given the lack of

subsequent urban development, and, finally, in the environmental and landscape quality

of the natural setting where it is located. Although the best-known archaeological remains

are of Roman origin, the oldest finds date back to the Neolithic era and, above all, to the

Copper Age and Bronze Age. The area suffers abandonment and there will be no trace of

population until the Iberian era. However, the great moment of human settlement in

Acinipo will take place during the Roman period.

The present proposal pursues the investigation of the urban domestic architecture

of Acinipo, within the framework of the current province of Malaga, to know the

evolution of the domestic units in the territory of the respective legal convents and the

analysis of the urban models and their implementation. in the Iberian substrate. In this

sense, we will apply massive data management methods and their processing in

Geographic Information Systems (GIS), with the aim of solving problems about past

urban planning and establishing a social reading of built spaces, offering a solvent

technical platform for the planning the management of archaeological activities in historic

cities, the revaluation of preserved remains and their inclusion in dissemination and

enhancement programs.

The scope of the methodology proposed here is to study the residential architecture

of cities with evidence of domestic units (Acinipo, Malaca, Singilia Barba, Antikaria,

Arunda) since the beginning of the Roman occupation, which will enable a diachronic

reading of the implementation of housing in the urban fabric. This open methodology will

be applied in three areas of analysis: the domestic unit itself in relation to its internal

spaces and its furniture and instrumentum domesticum, which will provide information

about the family structure, its tastes and purchasing power; a second level of urban scale,

which will allow us to understand space occupation preferences and whether there are

patterns according to social classes; and finally at the regional level, we will be able to

make comparative discourses between the different urban realities.

Regarding the cities in the province of Malaga, an in-depth study of domestic

structures has never been carried out taking into account the parameters expressed here.

In the case of Malaga, we highlight the examples of the Domus de Puerta Oscura or the

house under the Carmen Thyssen Museum. In the cases of Antikaria and Singilia Barba,

we will be able to review the old investigations carried out on these sites so that their

information is updated and systematized. In the Ronda area, Arunda stands out, but

especially Acinipo, where some of the homes remain unpublished.

This work is framed within the Knowledge Generation 2022 project “Acinipo in

the Roman urban landscape of the Serranía de Ronda: interdisciplinary research for

heritage valorization (AcinipoValue)” (PID2022-140956NB-I00).

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