Gaming Rituals: Collective and Individual Experiences in the Asklepieion of Cos
Asja Mueller  1@  , Martin Kim  2@  
1 : Freie Universität Berlin
2 : Hochschule Mannheim - University of Applied Sciences

This paper deals with the diversity of built space using the method of serious gaming. Collective and individual ritual actions at the site of the Coan Asklepieion in the 2nd century BC, as they can be reconstructed from ancient written sources, will be modelled.

In contrast to the majority of archaeological research to date, which uses 3D models primarily to depict architecture and landscape – with the result that seemingly ›empty‹, museum-like containers are rendered – the recently launched DFG-funded project »Dynamic Spaces: The Coan Asklepieion During Feast and Healing Ritual« focuses on the interaction of landscape, architecture and the human body, i.e. on built space as socially constructed. This article gives a preview of how architecture and landscape can be digitally animated by incorporating the bodies of actors. Using a 3D model to be created from scratch, initial considerations are presented on how the physical presence of bodies – either individually or in a crowd – affects the resulting built space. Thus, one and the same architecture can lead to very different lived spaces, depending on the bodies involved and the action they perform.

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