Produce and pay. Digital approaches to ancient monetary research in Hispania
Elena Moreno-Pulido  1@  , Felipe Bergua  1@  
1 : Universidad de Cádiz

In a research environment where digitalization and open science are increasingly in demand, a research project funded is born (TED2021-131704A-I00, funded by the research national plan of the government of Spain, by MCIN/ AEI/ 10.13039/ 501100011033, by the European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR and by the Junta de Andalucía). The objectives are to recover and to analyse data from new and past numismatic finds, preferably in archaeological context, for its study in an updated methodological dynamic through an innovative database for historical heritage and its web visualization.

The digitization of numismatic finds is an increasingly common practice in the world of numismatics. This technique allows the creation of digital databases that contain detailed information about coins, such as their date of minting, their face value, their weight and their diameter, among other details. In addition, photographs of the coins can be shared and analysed by experts around the world, which helps the dissemination and knowledge of numismatics.

Another benefit of digitizing numismatic finds is the preservation of information. Digital databases are more durable and time-resistant than physical records, meaning information about coins can be preserved and shared for generations.

In this forum the benefits of using this database system will be shown for the georeferencing and indexing of the archaeological spaces where these coins were found. In addition, the numismatic finds indexed so far in this tool will be shown, which will soon be available online for the enjoyment and consultation of any user.

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